Buy Cheap Allium Bulbs Online : Spring Flowering Bulbs : Herts and Essex Garden Centre

Pre-orders taken, despatching END OF AUGUST 2024.

For landscape enquiries, bulbs can be supplied by the 1000. Please call 01279 792869 for a full quote.

Happy Butterfly Collection Allium and Nectaroscordum Bulbs 50 per pack


Happy Butterfly Collection

20 Allium Drumstick - height 60cm, flowering May-June

5 Nectaroscordum - height 90cm, flowering May-June

5 Allium Aflatunense - height 60cm, flowering May-June

20 Allium Caeruleum - height 60cm, flowering May-June

A glorious combination of colour and variety of flowers to attact beautiful butterflies to your garden.


Plant in the Autumn for excellent results in the Spring

