Alstroemeria Inticancha Doba



Alstroemeria Inticancha Doba is a semi-winter hardy perennial plant. It is a clump forming plant with dark green leaves with red funnel shaped flowers that are produced from Summer through to the Autumn.

Key Features

Plant Type: Perennial

Plant Height & Spread: 30cm x 30cm

Foliage Colour: Dark Green

Foliage Type: Annual Bedding Plant

Seasons of Interest: Summer - Autumn

Soil Condition: Well-drained, Fertile

Planting Position: Partial Shade


Plant Care & Advice

To Plant; - gently loosen plants from their trays by pushing them up from the base. Knock out plants from pots by giving a sharp tap to the bottom with the handle of your trowel. Remember, keep your hand securely over the top of the plant when doing this so you do not drop it on the ground! Handle plants by leaves or rootball. Use a compost that drains freely.


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