Buy Gladioli Bulbs online Uk :

For landscape enquiries, bulbs can be supplied by the 1000. Please call 01279 792869 for a full quote.

Gladiolus (Gladioli) Callianthus Acidanthera Murielaea 20 Per Pack


Gladiolus (Gladioli) Callianthus Acidanthera Murielaea has a wonderful scent and lasts brilliantly in the vase. It is also perfect and looks magnificent in pots. The Victorians loved this cousin of the gladiolus for cut flowers from August to October.

Position: Full sun or partial shade in well drained fertile soil

Height: 75cm Spread: 40cm

Colour: White Flowers

Bulb Size: 7/8 cm Each Pack Contains 20 Per Pack

Plant in the early Spring for best results in Summer.

