Sempervivum tomentosum (Woolly Houseleek) is a unusual heavily white-webbed form and one of the most ornamental species of Sempervivum. Resembles Sempervivum arachnoideum, but has larger rosettes which are strongly flattened above. Flowers, in summer; bright rose-colour. The plants are succulent and are able to grow or thrive with minimal water or rainfall, and can survive for long periods of time without any water.
Habit: It is a small, evergreen perennial succulent that grow in very tight rosette forming mats up to 30 cm (or more) in diameter, often cultivated in rock gardens.
Leaves: Like those of Sempervivum arachnoideum, but somewhat shorter, more obovate-cuneato, furnished with numerous white cobweb-like hairs, which are fewer in the autumn and when the plant is grown in the shade.
Flowers: Pink or rose-red (usually) but also white or bright-red about 1-2.5 cm across with 9-12 petals. Flowers are raised on thick 7-20 cm tall stems and hermaphroditical (having both male and female reproductive organs)
Blooming season: Summer, lasting into early autumn. The rosette that bloomed then dies after setting seeds.
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